Courier Summer 2014 - page 6

subjects > english extended study> epq
Soundart Radio recently held a poetry competition asking
for enries of poems on the subject of e-safety.
Poet Lucy Lepchani, chose Isaac Wilson-Deane's poem as
the winner.
E –Safety
I’m thirteen!
I can get a facebook page.
(I’ve been waiting an age.)
I’m going to post
Of me in the bath,
Getting dressed,
Shooting the moon.
I’m going to post
Where I live, where I on a Friday night,
Times I’m home alone.
I’m going to post
My phone number,
My sister’s phone number,
My friend’s phone number.
It will be so much fun!
I’ll make new friends.
I might even go and
Meet them.
In town,
In the park,
At the swimming pool!
Hold on.
Wait a
I will think about it.
Isaac Wilson-Deane year 8
If you would like to listen to the programme, go to:
KEVICC student wins
poetry competition
Page 6
One afternoon at KEVICC recently, Governors Roger Foord-
Evans and Richard Dennison, together with Kate Mason,
found themselves challenged by a showcase of outstand-
ing quality with student work from across years 8, 9 and
13. This was a presentation of Extended Project Qualifica-
tion work billed as ‘Independence and Excellence’.
The showcase of work centred on independent enquiry for
either the EPQ in years 8 and 9 or the History A2 Course-
work elements. Students had the opportunity to share
their findings, and to discuss them with their small, but
inquisitive, audience.
Whilst performers get many opportunities to perform,
those embroiled in detailed research and formal ex-
pressions rarely have the opportunity to 'show off'! This
provided that forum. One of the governors commented,
The topics were astonishingly varied and taxed me as a
participant in this process.
That 'variety' commented on questions and topics raised
within the EPQ remit:
Should NHS be free?
How is the law make in the United Kingdom?
How do you start a new business?
Gothic love songs illustrated
The effort and diligence of year 8 and 9 students has been
exemplary, and they stand to grade highly in their GCSEs.
The year 13 historical enquiries included::
Across the period of 1710 to 1810, to what extent did Rous-
seau’s ideology influence the Jacobin Club?
Across the period 1688-1788, to what extent did the En-
lightenment affect the path towards, and writing of, the
American Constitution?
Varied and taxing indeed!!
Sarah Kehaya
Extended Project
Qualification presentation
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