Courier Summer 2015 - page 23

Page 23
Modern Foreign Languages
Owen Flower, Year 10 Spanish student writes: language students
went on a trip to Exeter University for a Languages Day. The day
commenced with an intriguing tour around the university campus,
led by a current student. Three interesting and highly beneficial
language sessions followed, taught by a university lecturer. I found
these very helpful, learning a variety of new vocabulary. We were
pleased to realise we seemed more confident in our level of language
than the students from other schools. We also had a talk about
the highly recommended 'Year Abroad', where students can spend
a year studying anywhere in the world. To top the day off, slightly
behind schedule, we had a tiring sprint to catch our train! It was
an enjoyable day and I would recommend it to future year10 MFL
students as a good opportunity to learn about what it is like to study
at a University like Exeter, whilst developing your MFL skills.
Year 9 Pop-Up book to help younger learners
A small group of year 9 boys have been spending time in the library
creating a pop-up book – filled with lots of useful French vocabulary,
for younger students to use next year. As well as numbers and
colours, the boys have illustrated pages of useful words that year 7s
will be learning in their first year of French at KEVICC.
Well done boys, great idea!
Yasmin Salter, MFL teacher
Plymouth University
Masterclass Morning
Some super-keen year 9s had
the exciting opportunity to visit
the University of Plymouth on a
Saturday morning and experience
a masterclass from one of their
native French lecturers.
They enjoyed hearing about true
French culture and learned a few
tricks to improve their work and
get top marks every time!
It was a really fun and enjoyable morning where I got to meet a few new people. The teacher was kind and taught us some
facts about France, and gave us some really useful worksheets - and we even learnt some French tongue-twisters!
Tansy West
Exeter meal at the Spanish restaurant EL FORN
In April, the Spanish Sixth
formers attended a revision
restaurant in Exeter – El Forn.
discussing current affairs in
the target language, and then
we had a traditional Spanish
tapas experience, directed
by the Spanish chef Rafa and
Luis, our favourite Spanish
waiter. I was very proud to
present Caitlin Pether with a
lifetime achievement award
for her amazing participation.
And it was fun as well!
Cristina Fernandez De Gorostiza Samper
Special thanks to Mrs Presley and Miss Salter, plus Mrs Fernandez (who taught Science here
a few years ago) and her friend Isabel - who both very kindly participated in the day.
On adore les crêpes!!
After school in March, some years 8
and 9 made some delicious crêpes
with two of the language teachers.
I found it really enjoyable and fun
to make different foreign delicacies,
with extra things on top to decorate
them with.
Hannah Munday
Exeter University Languages Day
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