features > year 13 and year 11 leavers
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So the class of 2014 have reached the
last page of their KEVICC/Kennicott
story and will soon embark on the
next chapter of their lives. The stu-
dents have had many experiences
and challenges that have moulded
them into the young adults they are
now; ready to accept the opportuni-
ties that now await. The touching,
and often humorous words, from the
tutors showed how impressive many
of our students are and what strong
qualities they possess.
Perhaps most touching of all was
the farewell from Mr Weston who
somehow managed to source baby
photos of his entire group and got us
guessing who was who. I think my
favourite was George the chef!
The Harlequin, previously known as
Pedro, also entertained the students
with something between an obligato
and a recital. Then we had some foot
stomping music from the student
folk band and a nostalgic montage
from Eliott Darby and a Staff v
Leavers football match film.
You could say the year 13 farewell
had the full monty (well almost!). We
wish them all good luck in their final
exams and that they have full and
happy lives.
Alan Hartigan and all at Kennicott
Year 11 Leavers' Ball
Year 13
Year 13 Leavers' Assembly
Able Sharp, Carla Teague and
Stella Arnott had a wonderful
time at the Ball. Carla and
Stella would like to thank Rhi-
annon Holland for doing their
make-up and Jane Hingston
for doing their hair.
They looked fabulous – as
you can see – and Stella, in
particular, never stopped
dancing all night!