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mary lidstone charitable trust
foundation art
Stella Isaac talks about her year on the Totnes Art & Design
Foundation Course
After attending St Cuthbert Mayne School, I undertook
my A-Levels at Kennicott Sixth Form Centre at KEVICC. I
thoroughly enjoyed the Sixth Form and was impressed
by Kennicott’s staff and the friendly environment. At this
time, I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in art and
design so I applied to, and gained a place on, the Totnes
Art and Design Foundation Course, which shares the same
site as the Sixth Form. The course has helped me to realize
what I want to do for my degree, after having been unsure
about the opportunities that art and design had to offer. It
has allowed me to explore many different specialisms and
materials, from sculpture to life drawing, and print making
to textiles. From this I have developed an interest in the
application of pattern within illustration.
My tutors fully preparedme for my university applications through one-to-one tutorials on portfolio layout, and through
undertaking ‘mock interviews’. This led to me successfully gaining offers at numerous universities, and accepting my
place to start BA (Hons) Illustration at Falmouth University for this coming September.
I met many friendly people during the course who came from different Sixth Forms from across Devon. We had a
residential trip to London in October, which included visiting various galleries and museums, and undertaking tours of
top London art colleges. The trip was also a great chance for us to get to know each other socially. This social aspect is
crucial, as the sharing of ideas, and the support your colleagues give you, is a vital part of the course’s success. I have
gained greater confidence in my work and have been given the level of professionalism needed for university study.
For my Final Show I am going to display my observations of Brixham Fish Market in the form of drawing and mixed
media illustrations.
Further details about the course can be found at
or by contacting Bruce
Timson, the Foundation Course Leader at
dart valley learning trust
Following the launch of the Mary Lidstone Trust last year, the Trustees are delighted to
have been able to make provisional grant awards to four current Year 13 students in this
very first year of our new grant programme. Details will follow in the Autumn once exam
results are known, but we are hoping to support students who will be studying degree
courses in subjects as diverse as law with business and photography.
The Trust was set up following a generous legacy fromRoy Lidstone and is dedicated to the
memory of his wife, Mary. After Mary’s sad death in 2010, Roy put in place arrangements
to create the Trust to benefit students (current and former) at King Edward VI Community
College. The legacy has been invested and the income from the investments is being used
to enable young people to follow an academic dream which might otherwise, through
financial circumstances, not be possible. The College is hugely grateful for this support
for our students and the Trustees are delighted to see Roy and Mary’s vision coming to
Teresa Lakeman
Trust members have been busy over the last few months. The Trust has now formally registered an application with the
Charity Commission to be treated as a charity and our Member's Forum is up and running with staff, parent and com-
munity member representatives. We hope to find suitable meeting times to include student members in the future.
Look out for the dates of the Forum's termly meetings on the College website.
Metings are held once a term and are the opportunity for Trust members to meet and discuss matters of interest to
them, and ensure their views are fed back to the Trust Board. The next meeting will take place on 8 October 2014 and
all Trust members are welcome to attend. We have 67 students; 19 staff; 43 parents and 87 community members, with
three community organisation memberships pending.
Andrew North, Chair of the Trust Board