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features > history
Aselect groupof year 8and9 students
were invited to take part in this year’s
History Challenge in the Autumn and
Spring Terms respectively.
The year 8s decided to learn aspects
of the Battle of Alamo; analyse
images of the War of 1812; compare
accounts of the Black Death and
examine Abraham Lincoln.
The year 9s opted tomemorise details
on Elvis Presley’s life; examine WWII
propaganda; study the role Audrey
Hepburn played in WWII and inves-
tigate different perspectives on Nazi
Germany and Hitler.
Gifted and talented history challenge
In year 8 Felicity, Issy and Teya tri-
umphed and, in the final result, the
year 9 winners were Frankie, Shay
and Joe,
In celebration of completing the
contest, and as a further opportu-
nity to explore the use of physical
artefacts in the processes of his-
torical knowledge, understanding
and enquiry, the year 8 History
Challenge students were taken to
Berry Pomeroy Castle and the year 9
students to Dartmouth Castle, .
Miss C Gray
History G&T Coordinator