Courier Summer 2015 - page 22

Page 22
Language Leaders:
This year has seen the launch of the KEVICC Language
Leaders Award with six leaders enrolling on this course. This award has been based
on the highly successful Sports Leaders Award, and follows the same principles
of developing skills in organisation, communication, motivation, leadership and
taking the initiative.
Following on from discussions and training in basic language teaching techniques,
the students taught each other, as well as a French and Spanish year 7 class. There
was a lot of excitement of teaching the younger pupils. The resources produced
were outstanding – the year 7s were fully engaged and loved every minute of it!
Next year, we will continue to offer our Language Leaders programme as an extra-
curricular activity for the current year 7 and 8 students. If you are interested in this,
please pass your name to Mrs Lawrance directly, or through your language teacher.
If you would like more information, you could also see one of the 2014-15 Language
leaders; Abi Clements, Callum McGinnis, Danni Adams, Daisey Bailey, Ed Coles and
Elly Wilson.
Rachael Lawrance, MFL teacher
We managed to do
it again! Miss Salter
and Miss Fernandez
keep on organising
cookery sessions, and
still we haven’t had an
uneventful one yet.
Our very first Music summer music
festival put on in collaboration with
the Parents' Association, in June ...
What an incredible day! The weather was in
our favour and the collaborative nature of the
festival meant that the whole event was very
enjoyable! Our students made us very proud
again as they filled the two stages with sound
for over 2½ hours. As well as our usual music
ensembles and soloists, there was dancing,
acting and some performances from our
younger Challenge Pathway groups. Andy
Quick, the professional musician headlining
the festival, could not believe the talent of
the students and thought our KFC (KEVICC
Folk Club) was 'awesome'.
The year 11 BTec students supported the event
fully by providing an entertainment zone which
included tie-dying and a bouncy castle. Feedback
from the community has been very positive, and we
cannot wait to do an even bigger and better event
again next year. Thank you to all staff, students,
the P.A. and the local community involved in the
event; you all worked so hard. Well done KEVICC!
Nicola Hansford ,Team Leader of Music
.. our stewards ..
.. our technician ..
Modern Foreign Languages
Callum McGinnis definitely struggled
big time when trying to turn over the
omelette: half of it ended up on the
floor, and the other half looked inedible.
Ed Coles could not believe his eyes! On
the contrary, mine was great and proved
to everybody again that I am the best.
The girls were all right-ish but, let’s
face it, I didn’t care anyway and they
were definitely more worried about
their hair. Mrs Crellen caused trouble
by being clumsy and challenging Miss
Fernandez’s Spanish recipe by adding
weird stuff to it. I think she got parked
in the end!
Miss Fernandezmade us put somuch oil
that I am still surprised my cholesterol
is fine. The doctor said I should be more
cautious though from now on. Cheers
Miss! That was a good one! Can’t wait
for the next one Miss. Can we possibly
make “Churros” and “snails”?
The anonymous student ;-)
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