Courier Summer 2015 - page 17

Page 17
We have been busy entertaining and
teaching enquiring youngminds in our local
feeder primary schools. The year groups
range from to year 6 right down to year 3s!
Ahuge 'thank you' to our support students
who have volunteered to come along and
represent the school, providing essential
help during the workshops.
The primary schools benefit from sessions in
Maths and English, working co-operatively
in partnership, and it does tie in well with
their school timetable. Furthermore, we had
some excellent feedback from the schools
about the way we worked together and had
the children moving from one discipline to
the other.
Donkey Derby, roll up roll up!!
Introducing probability through a
game of dice: which donkey will be
the winner? A whirl of activity and
flurry of pencil and they’re off…
There was some excellent insight as
to why one choice was better than
another – and then it was off to a
word snake word search.
Racing through thesauri, finding the
very best word and then transforming
sentences led to some amazing
descriptive work in English.
Sentences such as:
The illuminating Christmas lights
twinklingmerrily in the gigantic hall
were washing away the necromancy
that had once lived there.
Maybe a spot of Pythagoras; colouring
to start with of course!
But who will be the first to find his
famous formula??
Thanks for taking care of us. The kids really enjoyed themselves and they were buzzing on the way home.
There was such a buzz in all the rooms we visited and everyone commented on how 'engaged', 'calm'
and 'enthusiastic' our students and teachers were. Well Done!
Staff from the Primaries
We very much hope to continue this positive work over the coming years.
Luke Harvey, Maths teacher and Emma Simmons, English teacher
Primary Visits English and Maths
A giant’s foot print is discovered
in the play-ground. The pupils
need to use their skills and
knowledge of times tables, ratio
and a map of the body to recreate
a life size picture of the giant!
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