Courier Summer 2015 - page 13

Page 13
Foundation Art
I have been a student at Kennicott since 2012 when I joined
the Sixth Form to study for my A-Levels.
My interests in fashion and textiles began whilst at my
former school where I undertook an art project on the
fashion designer Alexander McQueen. His work sparked
my enthusiasm for dressmaking. Being able to design a
garment, and then to make it, is so exciting for me.
My creativity really blossomed whilst at Kennicott. A-Level
Textiles allowed me to combine my love of fashion with an
appreciationof art and thedesignprocess. Iwas taught howto
develop ideas along with lots of useful skills and techniques.
I am confident that this acquired skill and knowledge will
come in handy in the future. What I really loved about A-Level
Textiles was that there were no limitations to how wild and
outrageous our ideas could be. I had a lot fun designing and
making some truly wacky outfits.
By the end of year 12, I knew I wanted to do the Foundation
Course at Kennicott. The Foundation Course has given me
Further details about the Totnes Art & Design Foundation Course can be found at
Student Ellen Conrad was just one of many
students exhibing work of a
high standard at
the end of year show this summer. She writes:
Foundation Art Show June 2015
the opportunity to learn new skills, expand my creative
ideas and helped me decide what I want to do in the future.
A big part of the course was finding out exactly which
degree course I wanted to apply for. Through talking with
tutors, undertaking research and visiting colleges, I decided
Costume was where my interests really lay.
This, in turn, led me to realise that my work is much more
costume/fine art based, rather than purely fashion based.
I have since gained and accepted a place on BA (Hons)
Costume for Performance at London College of Fashion which
I am very much looking forward to starting in September.
I think the Foundation Course at Kennicott is fantastic
because you really are allowed to try out any idea you
have, and the tutors are all so helpful and supportive. They
encourage us to work really hard and be the best we can be
– and for this I am very thankful, because I know I will come
out of this year a confident and well-rounded artist.
Ellen Conrad
Ellen Conrad
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