Courier Summer 2015 - page 15

Page 15
Two irrational numbers (approximately 0.618 and
1.618), are often referred to as the
golden ratio
. These
two numbers possess many intriguing properties. For
example, shapes that adhere to the golden ratio have
long been considered to be aesthetically pleasing.
Year 10 investigated this property using measurements
taken from facial dimensions. These were used to
calculate proportional quantities, and recorded. An
average was taken – I won’t say who was closest to it
but, remarkably, many of the students achieved an
average close to 1.618!
Jonathan Hawker, teacher of Mathematics
This summer, GCSE students found this question in the
Edexcel Maths paper:
There are n sweets in a bag. 6 of the sweets are orange.
The rest of the sweets are yellow.
Hannah takes a random sweet from the bag. She eats
the sweet.
Hannah then takes at random another sweet from the
bag. She eats the sweet.
The probability that Hannah eats two orange sweets is
Show that n² – n – 90 = 0.
Can you solve it?!
UKMT is an organisation who
aims to advance the education
of children and young people in
Mathematics. Throughout the
year, students are challenged to
compete in a number of individual
and team competitions.
Year 9, 10 and 11 students
competed in the Individual Maths
Challenge, with a large number of
them achieving Bronze, Silver or
Gold Awards – given to only the top
40% of participants. Five students
did so well that they qualified for
the next round of the Challenge and,
from this, one student achieved a
Merit Award. Well done Ted!
Year 7 and 8 students did just as
well when competing in the Junior
Maths Challenge, with students
also achieving Bronze, Silver and
Gold Awards. As well as achieving
best in school, Huw Paige is also
through to the next round to
compete in the Junior Kangaroo
competition. Congratulations Huw!
UK Maths Trust annual Maths Challenges saw great results for KEVICC students!
Four of our most talented
mathematicians from years 8 and
9 competed in the Team Maths
Challenge Regional Final in
Plymouth, competing against 19
other schools from the local area.
The day comprised of four rounds
– a group round, a cross number,
a shuttle round and a relay round.
Our KEVICC students showed how
well a team could work together,
and how they could use everyone's
different skills to answer some
very challenging questions.
At the end of the day, the results
were announced and the KEVICC
team had finished in 4th place,
fighting off fierce rivals from
Community Colleges!
A brilliant day, and a huge well
done, to Ewan Baker, Felicity
Dunn, Mia Poore and Sam Eaton.
Emma Townend, Maths teacher
Year 11
Ted Stokes
Ethan Merrington-Pink
Rowan Robinson
Hannah Sutton
Tommy Hodgkins
Eliza Boyacigiller
Kane Milne
Louis Guy
Ollie Tysoe
Orla Kelly
Sasha Wicks
Joe Pratt-Johns
Keith Lam
Karli Rose
Luke Moore
Danny Cleave
Matt Rowe
Jess Ellis
Ayesha Milner-Glover
Sam Cooper
Year 10
Michael Flanagan
Joanna Quinsey
Tyler Walton
Ayla De Jong
Jack Carter
Year 9
Ewan Baker
Felicity Dunn
Lilah Aptroot
Teya Sheppard
Seb Simons
Katie Brock
Ben Turner
Jamie Stacey
Year 8
Huw Paige
Adam Backhouse
Cody Bakewell
Mia Poore
Rhys Gribble
Alicia White
Joe Haggerty
Lucy McMurray
Max White
Year 7
Daniel Flanagan
Joe Arthur-Williams
Benjo Aptroot
Alfie Annear
Harland Clark
Leah Shelton
UKMT Team Challenge ~ our year 8/9 team
Felicity Dunn, Sam Eaton, Ewan Baker and Mia Poore
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