Courier Summer 2015 - page 16

Page 16
Primary Sport
After another fantastic season of breathtaking football, it
was South Brent who found themselves top of the pile and
crowned champions for the 2014/15 season. They were
closely followed by runners-up Landscove, and Totnes St.
Johns who took a well-deserved third place.
The league has been well supported by Primary staff and
parents alike, with good crowds regularly turning up to
watch the action. As well as some brilliant skill on show,
some wonder goals, it was great to see all the teams
display the true spirit of football, including the values of
fair play, respect and team work.
Our attention now turns to a well-deserved summer break
to recharge the batteries – with one eye on next season,
and who can wrestle the title away from South Brent!
Sam Lyndon, PE teacher
On twoWednesdays in June, over three hundred year 3 and
4 pupils from Broadhempston, Dartington, Harbertonford,
Landscove, South Brent, The Grove and Totnes St. Johns
came to KEVICC to take part in an Athletics Festival.
The event was run by our Year 10 Sports Leaders and
included opportunities for the primary school pupils to
practise and refine their technique in a range of athletic
disciplines, including long distance running, sprinting,
javelin, hurdling, long jump and many more. The unique
aspect to a festival is that it is fully inclusive, which
enables all abilities to take part and have a go at the
events – whether they are a complete novice or an elite
During the planning process, the leaders felt that the
event should highlight the values of the Olympic Games,
so they designed reward stickers that were given to
students who demonstrated the values of courage,
determination, inspiration,
excellence, friendship and
respect. After two and a half
hours of practical activity,
it was time to head back
to their schools and a well-
deserved rest. Some of the
teachers commented that
they have never known their
class to be so quiet during
afternoon lessons!
A massive well done to
everyone who took part
and to the year 10 leaders
for their organisation and
Sam Lyndon
Primary Central Venue League Football
Primary Athletics
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