Courier Summer 2015 - page 18

Page 18
Creative Learning Day 3
Year 7 explored Spanish
culture throughmusic, dance,
song, art and langauge –
Spanish being the most
The whole school benefitted
from a selection of Spanish
food being available in the
Dining Room.
In year 8, robotics and world
through the building and
and the buying and selling
on the stock market, with
live streams of commercial
activity. Plus a small group
of students were involved in a
3D printing activity.
Year 9 had a day of International Sport –
getting clued-up on countries and cultural
attitudes through sport – with amini-Olympic
event in the afternoon on the Elmhirst field.
3D print egg cups
Global and International Awareness
In all our Creative Learning Days, the themes
and topics covered are elements of the students'
curriculum which need to be covered to build an
understanding and experience of knowledge, or
ideas not normally covered in specific subjects – or
to address themes that straddle different curriculum
areas and might 'fall through the gap'. Together, they
satisfy some elements of Citizenship and Social,
Moral, Spritual and Cultural understanding. On the
Summer Term day, our year 11 and 13s were post-
GCSE and A-level exams and no longer in College.
I enjoyed the new software we
used to program the robots.
Trading Day: I thought
it was decent because it
was competitive but you
still had to work hard!
I did everything
and I loved it.
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