Courier Summer 2016 - page 12

Page 12
It is hard to believe that May saw the fifth anniversary of the annual
Year 10 trip to Bodmin!
At the Shire Hall, students were amazed by the compactness of
the holding cells for those awaiting trial, especially as the same
dimensions are used in police prison vans today! Whilst at the Jail,
we explored the crimes committed and shockingly harsh subsequent
fates of different prisoners.
Select KS3 students were invited to pit their
wits against each other in this year’s History
The Year 9s opted to memorise details on the
Crucible Theatre; examine how cold the Cold War
really was; and investigate different perspectives
on infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar. Whereas
the Year 8s chose to learn facts on our College
namesake, Edward VI; analyse images of the
Royal Navy; and explore the crimes of Jack the
Ripper – in an appropriately dramatic fashion!
After extremely closely run contests, the Year 9
winners were Adam and Owen, whilst in Year 8
Izzy, Lauren and Thelma triumphed!
Cat Hayes, History teacher
We also learnt how the Jail gave safe haven
to the Doomsday book and the Crown Jewels
during the First World War.
Future visits will prove enlightening as the Jail’s
new owners have made available funding to
reconstruct its buildings to their former glory –
history in action! Cat Hayes, History teacher
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