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Modern Foreign Languages
En febrero, tuvo lugar un evento muy importante para el
aprendizaje de español. Vinieron a KEVICC un grupo de
alumnos españoles para participar en un acontecimiento
muy divertido e inolvidable.
Nosotros, los alumnos de KEVICC, nos encontramos con
los alumnos españoles y charlamos mucho sobre una
multitude de temas de conversacion diferentes.
Esteeventotieneel propositodeaumentarel conocimiento
deambas lenguasy tambienparahacer algoemocionante
y divertido con alumnos de cualquier pais.
como este para unir a los alumnos y para cerrar el hueco
entre los diferentes idiomas, aumentar la diversidad, el
multiculturalismo y la unidad.
Karli Rose
In February, we held an important Spanish language event
in school. A group of Spanish students came to KEVICC
to participate in a very funny and enjoyable language
activity. We (KEVICC students) met the Spanish group to
talk about a number of different topics of conversation.
The aim of this event was to increase knowledge of both
languages, Spanish and English, and also to share some
time with students from other countries and nationalities.
We hope to attend more of these events in order to
connect with pupils around the word, to close the gap
between different languages, to increase diversity,
multiculturalism and to encourage unity.
Miss Fernandez translating for Karli Rose
Tandem Session with Totnes School of English
As part of our International Dimension Programme, a
group of year 7, 9, 10 and 12 students attended a cookery
session after school to make a traditional Spanish
cake. The students had the opportunity to learn about
traditional Spanish baking techniques, as well as new
words related to the making of the cake. It was a very
enjoyable afternoon, full of memorable moments and
quite a few laughs. We are looking forward to the next
one in which we will be cooking Spanish omelette!
Miss Cristina Fernandez de Gorostiza
El dia que fuimos a cocinar fue muy divertido. Me
encanta cocinar con mis amigos. Cocinamos una tarta
con galletas, chocolate y natilla. Cuando estabamos
cocinando, nosotros escuchamos musica en español y
despues cuando terminamos pudimos llevar la tarta a
casa para comerla. Me gusto mucho la experiencia y la
tarta, pero no era sana.
Danielle Kenny year 9
The cooking session was very funny. I love cooking with
my friends. We did a cake made of biscuits, chocolate
and custard. When we were baking, we listened to
Spanish music and when we finished we took the cake
home. I liked the experience and the cake, but it wasn’t a
very healthy one.Miss Fernandez translating for Danielle
Walking into a room with 30 bars of chocolate and piles
of biscuits seemed a bit obsessive to me, but by the
end we weren’t complaining. 'La tarta de chocolate' is a
Spanish dessert consisting of layers of biscuits, custard
and chocolate. We had the opportunity to make it with
the help of Miss Fernandez, Miss Salter and Mrs Crellen.
Although Mrs Crellen was the qualified one, she managed
to throw custard all over the floor and her cake ended up
collapsing! My favourite part of the evening was mouth-
watering melted chocolate mixed with cream with an
occasional crunch of biscuit. I would love to do it again
Teya Sheppard year 9
Señorita Fernandez very kindly invited us to make a very
delicious Spanish layered cake 'La tarta de chocolate'.
It starts with biscuits dunked in coffee then layer of
chocolate and another layer of biscuits, then custard. We
repeated again and again until we were pleased with the
amount of sugar we were about to eat. It was definitely a
cake to end the New Year’s diet.
Aimee Foot year 9
Spanish Cake
Karli Rose with Spanish students
from the Totnes School of English
Danny Kenny and Lourdes Rechi
Beth Goodchild, Caitlin Pether,
Martha Harris-Davey and Annie Pether